Jeronimas Kačinskas. Muzika chorui / Music for Choir


Lietuvos muzikos informacijos centras / Music Information Centre Lithuania




1 Haec Dies (1981) 03:57
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
2 Te lucis ante (1977) 05:03
Mišriam chorui ir vargonams / For mixed choir and organ
3 Confirma Hoc 01:53
Vyrų chorui / For male choir
4-7 Missa brevis (1945)
4 Kyrie 01:53
5 Sanctus 01:13
6 Benedictus 01:08
7 Agnus Dei 02:32
Vyrų chorui / For male choir
8 Kelionės daina / Travel Song (1953) 02:45
Moterų chorui / For female choir
9 Esi, dangau / You Are, Heaven (1946) 02:11
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
10 Beržas / Birch Tree (1931) 01:51
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
11 Lietuvos takeliai / Lithuanian Pathways (1946) 04:29
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
12 Jau saulutė leidžias / The Sun is Setting (1947) 03:36
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
13 Gintarėlis / Little Amber (1968) 02:03
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
14 Žvangučiai / Bellflowers (1947) 03:24
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
15 Per girias / Through the Woods (1931) 04:04
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
16 Oi, tai buvo / Oh, What Happened (1981) 01:11
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
17 Trumpa fantazija / Short Fantasy (1932) 03:35
Vargonams / for Organ
18 Terra tremuit (1932) 01:32
Mišriam chorui ir vargonams / For mixed choir and organ
19 Rex Christe 01:54
Moterų chorui / For female choir
20 Gimimo giesmė / Nativity Hymn (1950) 01:41
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
21 Marija / Maria 03:52
22 Mergele, motin / Virgin, Mother 00:58
Vyrų chorui / For male choir
23 Didis, galingas / Great and Mighty (1948) 01:51
Mišriam chorui / For mixed choir
24 Tikiu / Credo 01:48
Sopranų grupei ir vyrų chorui / For soprano group and male choir
Choras / Choir "Jauna muzika" (1-16, 18-24); Dirigentas / Conductor Vaclovas Augustinas (1-16, 18-24); Dainius Sverdiolas, vargonai / Organ (2, 17, 18)