On September 28, Saturday 19.00 a concert at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic marks the start of the 73rd concert season by the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Juozas Domarkas. The first evening of symphonic music will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Composition Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. The programme contains scores written by Lithuanian composers and spanning multiple decades. They have left a significant footprint in the panorama of twentieth century music in Lithuania and endorse the continuation of these traditions in the new millennium: "Dramatic Frescoes" by Eduardas Balsys, "Sonata of the Mountains" by Osvaldas Balakauskas, "Monopoly" by Ričardas Kabelis and "Mountains in the Mist" by Raminta Šerkšnytė. The four works reflect the different stages of modern Lithuanian music. They will be performed by violinist Ingrida Armonaitė, pianists Petras Geniušas and Indrė Baikštytė and trombonist Mike Svoboda, resident of Switzerland.
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